Minggu, 08 Mei 2011


Crime can not be separated with our lives. Many crimes that occur in our society. Many kinds of crimes, ranging from human trafficking, drug trafficking, theft, fraud and much more. Although the country has set a punishment for perpetrators of crimes but there are still many people who do this.
Now the case is still much talked about our community is about the existence of terrorism, this case has caused many casualties and caused concerns for the community. Terrorism is a crime which is condemned. The latter occurs is the rampant issue of the bomb, perhaps for our society not familiar with the terror bombing, because in our country has a lot of bombings struck by irresponsible people. Their targets were not only certain people but the civilians were also targeted.
They are the terrorists not only have a network in the country but this group also have networks overseas. Many ways are they doing to detonate bombs from a suicide bomb, bomb bomb book or placed on their targets. Usually they recruit new members to approach religion or with the brainwashing, they usually target young people to become "brides" of suicide bombing. According to their teen's easy to be affected because their souls are still unstable. These terrorists are usually the name of religion in every action.
Although it has been waiting for their punishment of criminals, but still many people who do it. Therefore we must always be vigilant against any possible crimes that occurred. Crime occurs not because there is only the perpetrators but also the intention of the opportunity.
Many things can be done to anticipate the occurrence of such crimes to always be aware of surroundings, do not easily believe the new people we know and do not easily influenced by others.
Crime it has become a unity in the community, crime can be prevented if we are all aware of the law. The law in our country has set up all about crime legislation. Life of our society will be more peaceful and safe again if we are far from evil.

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