first I did not think would go to senior high school 113, because from the beginning I had no desire to school there.
At first when I was in grade 1, I included a quiet person, I always come home on time.
But all that changed when I sat in class 2, I more often play than study, probably because of the influence of friends, but as time went on I started to discover "the beauty of the senior high school." there I began to know what a real friend.
A lot of ridiculous behavior that we do during school, ranging from reasonable to unreasonable it's known by my friends humorous spirit, and even had one when, at that time was no repetition of mathematics, instead of working on test questions, me and my friends actually fun to play game. there are many more other events, but I did not tell you here
things that make me never forget the events in the senior high school, and if time could be repeated I want to go back in time again, time when I was still wearing the gray and white uniforms, a period where we are having fun with friends. but now it has become the past, a past that will never be forgotten, hopefully me and my friends will become a useful person for the nation and the State amin
you take pride for being yourself
The above statement may describe one of juvenile delinquency, but indeed this is the reality, take a positive discard the negative.
Rabu, 30 Maret 2011
my experience
first I did not think would go to senior high school 113, because from the beginning I had no desire to school there. At first when I was in grade 1, I included a quiet person, I always come home on time. But all that changed when I sat in class 2, I more often play than study, probably because of the influence of friends, but as time went on I started to discover "the beauty of the senior high school." there I began to know what a real friend. A lot of ridiculous behavior that we do during school, ranging from reasonable to unreasonable it's known by my friends humorous spirit, and even had one when, at that time was no repetition of mathematics, instead of working on test questions, me and my friends actually fun to play game. there are many more other events, but I did not tell you here
things that make me never forget the events in the senior high school, and if time could be repeated I want to go back in time again, time when I was still wearing the gray and white uniforms, a period where we are having fun with friends. but now it has become the past, a past that will never be forgotten, hopefully me and my friends will become a useful person for the nation and the State amin
you take pride for being yourself The above statement may describe one of juvenile delinquency, but indeed this is the reality, take a positive discard the negative.
things that make me never forget the events in the senior high school, and if time could be repeated I want to go back in time again, time when I was still wearing the gray and white uniforms, a period where we are having fun with friends. but now it has become the past, a past that will never be forgotten, hopefully me and my friends will become a useful person for the nation and the State amin
you take pride for being yourself The above statement may describe one of juvenile delinquency, but indeed this is the reality, take a positive discard the negative.
Kamis, 10 Maret 2011
universitas gunadarma
universitas gunadarma adalah salah satu perguruan tinggi swata yang ada di indonesia. universitas ini juga termasuk universitas unggulan, menurut rangking universitas gunadarma menempati urutan ke 4 di indonesia.
universitas ini telah meluluskan banyak sarjana. banyak fasilitas yang terdapat di universitas ini,jumlah gedung yang banyak membuat universitas ini mempunyai banyak mahasiswa. fakultas teknologi dan komputer disini merupakan salah satu fakultas unggulan. cara mengajar para dosen juga menyenangkan sehingga para mahasiswa tidak bosan dengan materi yang diberikan. di universitas ini setiap mahasiswa diwajibkan memiliki akun di studentsite yaitu salah satu situs web untuk berinteraksi dengan dosen maupun dengan urusan kampus. di studentsite ini mahasiswa dapat melihat nilai,jadwal ujian,jadwal kuliah dan semua info info yang berkaitan dengan kampus. ini juga membuat mudah mahasiswa untuk melihat kegiatan dikampus. universitas ini juga menyediakan program untuk pasca sarjana.. bagi para siswa yang ingin menjadi mahasiswa di gunadarma dapat mendaftarkan diri melalui online atau daftar langsung di universitas gunadarma. biaya kuliah di gunasarma pun cukup terjangkau.universitas gunadarma telah mendapat berbagai penghargaan atas prestasi yang didapat oleh mahasiswa maupun prestasi pendidikannya.
universitas ini telah meluluskan banyak sarjana. banyak fasilitas yang terdapat di universitas ini,jumlah gedung yang banyak membuat universitas ini mempunyai banyak mahasiswa. fakultas teknologi dan komputer disini merupakan salah satu fakultas unggulan. cara mengajar para dosen juga menyenangkan sehingga para mahasiswa tidak bosan dengan materi yang diberikan. di universitas ini setiap mahasiswa diwajibkan memiliki akun di studentsite yaitu salah satu situs web untuk berinteraksi dengan dosen maupun dengan urusan kampus. di studentsite ini mahasiswa dapat melihat nilai,jadwal ujian,jadwal kuliah dan semua info info yang berkaitan dengan kampus. ini juga membuat mudah mahasiswa untuk melihat kegiatan dikampus. universitas ini juga menyediakan program untuk pasca sarjana.. bagi para siswa yang ingin menjadi mahasiswa di gunadarma dapat mendaftarkan diri melalui online atau daftar langsung di universitas gunadarma. biaya kuliah di gunasarma pun cukup terjangkau.universitas gunadarma telah mendapat berbagai penghargaan atas prestasi yang didapat oleh mahasiswa maupun prestasi pendidikannya.
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